Personalized Final Wishes Organizer (Free)

Published October 7, 2020
Senior writing in his computer late at night

Preparing a final wishes organizer can help you create your end-of-life plans with clarity. This is especially important if you have certain, specific wishes that you'd like to be fulfilled.

Final Wishes Organizer

Final wishes are thoughts, requests, or preferences when it comes to anything having to do with end of life planning. A final wish planner can let your loved ones know what is truly important to you in terms of end-of-life planning. Your final wish organizer may include important information, as well as special notes for your loved ones to read after you've passed away.

Final Wishes Form

You may want to keep a designated space to jot down any end-of-life plans or ideas that come to mind prior to creating a more official final wishes checklist. Doing so can help you better understand what feels truly important to you when it comes to end-of-life planning. You can also begin to think about which, if any, of your loved ones you'd like to write personalized notes or letters to.

Final Wishes Form

Final Wishes Checklist

Having a final wishes checklist can help you organize all of your important information and documentation in an easy-to-understand way. This way, all of your final wishes will be known, clear, and easy to organize in case of emergency or after you pass away. You may also opt to attach letters to important loved ones at the back of this particular document.

My Final Wishes Checklist

How To Download Printable Final Wishes Worksheets

If you need assistance downloading one or both worksheets, use some helpful Adobe tips to get started.

How Do You Make Your Final Wishes Known?

Once you've completed your final wishes worksheets, it's critical that they are left in a place that is easy to find, or copies are made and distributed to those who may need this information in the future. Let your trusted loved ones know where your final wishes worksheets are, or give them a copy directly once you have completed them. You can also keep a copy:

  • In a labeled and sealed envelope on your desk, taped to a cabinet or the fridge
  • In a labeled and sealed envelope on your entry table
  • Labeled in your filing cabinet
  • Labeled with your bills

Does a Will Include Final Wishes?

Wills typically do not include end-of-life plans and more so cover what happens after you've passed away. Creating a final wish worksheet can help your loved ones better understand your needs at the end of your life and after you've passed away. Wills typically include:

  • Assets
  • Guardianship
  • Property

Using a Final Wishes Template

Use your final wish templates to stay organized and ensure that your needs and wishes are met at the end of your life. Staying organized is not only helpful for you, but can also decrease the stress of your loved ones as they honor your plans after you've passed away.

Personalized Final Wishes Organizer (Free)